Sakura Mikudayo- (Character Vocal Series 01: Hatsune Miku)No.499
Character name:

Sakura Mikudayo-

The late-blooming cherry blossom - in full bloom!
Anime series:

Character Vocal Series 01: Hatsune Miku

Release date:August 2015
Price:3200 Yen
Description:Originally created as an April Fools joke in 2013, the cherry blossomed themed version of Mikudayo-, 'Sakura Mikudayo-' is now actually being released! Her strangely thin twin-tails have been covered in cherry blossom patterns for a cuter look than ever before!
Sakura Mikudayo- Sakura Mikudayo- Sakura Mikudayo- Sakura Mikudayo- Sakura Mikudayo- Sakura Mikudayo-